How had the world been affected by WW1?

  • Created by: Fiona S
  • Created on: 29-05-15 11:48
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  • How had the world been affected by WW1?
    • Britain
      • Not suffered serious damage but air attacks had killed over 1000 people. Also, the country heavily in debt because of war, and owed nearly £1 billion to the Americans.
    • France
      • Most of the fighting in Western Europe had taken place in France
        • Over 2 million French people had to flee from their homes, roads, railways and many work places like factories and 3/4 of a million homes were destroyed
          • Huge good farmland  turned into mud and there was danger of unexploded shells
    • Belgium
      • The Germans had occupied most of Belgium for 4 years, taking the countries resources
        • e.g. crops and machinery, to help their own war effort
      • The part not occupied by the Germans had once had scenes of bitter fighting and devastation
        • e.g. old city of Ypres was in ruins
    • Russia
      • The Russians suffered very heavy casualties in the war, even though they had ceased to fight after the new Bolshevik (communist) government took over in November 1917
        • This new government signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Germans in March 1918.
      • Russia gave up huge areas of land on its western front in Finland, Poland, Ukraine and Baltic Coastline.
        • This new government signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Germans in March 1918.
    • Germany
      • Little fighting took place on German soil but they were suffering badly by the end of 1918
        • Widespread Starvation, made worse by British blockade. German people couldn't believe they had lost and so quickly. German politicians told of military success in the Spring of 1918


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