how does Stienbeck create dislike/sympathy for crooks

  1. tyrone the Garrard
  2. lewis Dr hobnob
  3. ryan El' Manderp
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  • how does Stienbeck create dislike/sympathy for crooks
    • sympathy
      • he is always referred to as a ****** or the stable buck, (no one calls him by his real name) 
        • Treated like a animal, sleeps in a barn
          • this makes the reader feel for crook's because he is never respected and made to feel unimportant
      • in chapter 2, the old man say's that crook's will be punished for George and Lennie being late
        • quote " An' he give the stable buck hell"
    • dislike
      • telling Lennie that George might not come back
        • must be aware that Lennie does not understand so this is cruel
  • it is an attack
    • when Lennie steps into crooks door way, crooks turns round and sharply says "you got no right to come in my room"
      • dislike
        • telling Lennie that George might not come back
          • must be aware that Lennie does not understand so this is cruel
      • this makes the reader dislike crooks because it makes crooks look like a very angry type of person when lennie has done nothing wrong
        • crooks thinks that lenniie is "nuts" at first when lennie talks about the plans to get their own place
    • crooks thinks that lenniie is "nuts" at first when lennie talks about the plans to get their own place
      • Treated like a animal, sleeps in a barn
        • this makes the reader feel for crook's because he is never respected and made to feel unimportant


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