How much influence did the Normans have in England during the reign of Edward the Confessor?

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 22-05-17 15:26
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  • How much influence did the Normans have in England during the reign of Edward the Confessor?
    • The role of the Godwin family
      • Edward spent a lot of time in Normandy in his youth (Emma was daughter of Richard of Normandy) - Edward was half-Norman
      • Edward spoke Norman-French
      • Godwins block any Norman influence (threat to their power) - he let Edith marry Edward
      • Godwin family massively important in England (Godwin possessed biggest Earldom, Wessex)
      • Edward needed Godwins to deal with Earls
    • Officials
      • Edward appointed officials from Normandy and regions of France
        • His nephew Ralf of Mantes was given land in Herefordshire
        • Estates were given to Robert fitz Wimarc
        • Land was given to Ralf 'the Staller'
      • Harold replaced Ralf of Mantes on his death
      • No Normans were heads of earldoms
        • Early courts of Edward had many Scandinavian members
    • The church
      • Normans promoted to English church (involved in important positions)
      • Some claim Norman influence was limited to royal household and chapel
    • The career of Robert of Jumieges
      • Robert of Jumieges appointed as archbishop of Canterbury after being Bishop of London
        • Some believed Edward used appointment to build up his own following at court and counter Godwin's
      • Monks wanted to elect Elric (kinsman of Godwin) to be archbishop of Canterbury
    • The Dover Fracas
      • Edward ordered Godwin to punish people of Dover leading to Godwin refusing and subsequently being banished
      • Eustace (Count of Boulogne) was refused service to in Dover possibly because of people in Dover opposing him - however shows Earls and people were against Normans
    • The Norman succession plan
      • Godwin felt worried if no heir was produced by Edith, Edward would name a Norman heir.
      • Norman influence peaked while Godwins were exiled
      • When Godwin did return, Normans went to Scotland


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