Key Topic 1.1

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  • How did Germany emerge from WW1?
    • German people were angry and bitter
      • All the hopes of the pre-war had been demolished. Germans looked for someone to blame for defeat in the war
        • A society that had once been famous for the obedience of its people had now become known for conflict and squabbling
    • Some German people faced starvation
      • The allies counter attacked the German army and it had little strength to resist.
        • Hungry people blamed the government and 750,000 people died from hunger and disease
    • The German government was weak
      • Opposition leaders were imprisoned. Germany was ruled by a military dictatorship - Kaiser Wilhelm II.
        • This weakened the Reichstag further and the new political leaders would lack experience.
    • There was anarchy and violence on the streets
      • Armed, demobilized soldiers were returning home and joining in the violent demonstratios against the Kaiser
        • The soldiers wanted to get paid for fighting and they were disgusted.
  • This situation was bad because the German people were desperate for someone to blame, there was chaos on the streets and strikes everywhere


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