How accurate is it to say that in the years 1485 – 1603 royal patronage was mainly responsible for the creation of stable and successful government?

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  • How accurate is it to say that in the years 1485 – 1603 royal patronage was mainly responsible for the creation of stable and successful government?
    • LOA: no, creation and development of local roles
    • P1- no
      • JPs increased government control and authority in the localities
        • responsible for the enforcement of laws
          • initaly could act on info without a jury 1495
          • poor had to have a licence to beg signed by x2 JPS
          • had to take inventories of parish goods 1549
        • this shows that the creation and devlopment of local roles helped to increase gov control in the localites
          • hence creating a stable and effective government
    • P2- counter argument
      • however it could be argued that patronage provided stability at the centralised level which allowed increase in effectiveness in localities
      • Hvii handed out patronage carefully - no dof Bedford
      • H viii gave patronage to close friends appointing Charles Brandon as duke of Suffolk
        • allowed for greater control over nobility
      • HOWEVER...
        • relied on strong monarch - without one = abused causing instability eg Edward/ Seymour fraction under a dying Hvii
    • P3 development of role of JPS
      • responisble for recording the poor in a parish and fixing hours
      • made responisble for punishing poor
      • the expansion of the role of JPS meant that they had more of a role in the exicution of gov policy
        • helping to create a stable and effective gov in the localites
        • did not reliy on the strength or political skill of a monarch


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