British Homefront

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  • Homefront
    • Recruitment
      • When the war broke out half million people joined the army.
      • General belief the war would be over by Christmas.
      • Due to high causality rates more people were needed, but volunteering decreased
      • January 25th 1916- single men 18-40 were conscripted
        • May 16th 1916 this was extended to all men over 40.
      • Conscientious objectors  had to appear before tribunals to explain their reasons for not fighting.
        • ABSOLUTISTS-Refused to be a part of the war in anyway
        • NON-COMBATANTS- took part in the war through helping in farmland and ambulance driving but not in combat
    • DORA
      • Defence against the realm act.
      • Passed in the outbreak of the war.
      • Gave government power to take over privately owned land.
      • Given power to censor newspapers and letters from the front line.
      • Power to take over the food supplies.
      • Compulsory rationing from 1918 after Voluntary rationing failed
    • Civilian  Casualities
      • 1500 civilains died
      • Zeppelin air ships shelled north east England
      • 57 raids by Zeppelins
      • 27 Gotha bombers
    • Propaganda
      • DORA  allowed the government to control newspapers and other media.
      • Pacifist newspapers were shut down
      • Children were targeted through books, games and toys


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