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  • Globalisation
    • Increase in how interconnected the world is
      • Resulted in businesses operating in lots of countries across the world
        • Can be based anywhere
        • Can buy and sell from/to any country
      • Access to the worldwide market means businesses can benefit from economies of scale
        • Makes them more competitive
    • Allows businesses to make strategic decisions
      • Where to get raw materials from
      • Where to manufacture products (e.g. cheaper labour)
    • Has increased in recent decades
      • Internet
        • Allows businesses to communicate between countries quickly and cheaply
        • Allows jobs to be outsourced across the world
      • Shift from a separate national finance market to a global finance market
        • Easier to move money securely around the world
      • Giant Cargo Ships
        • Make it cheaper to transport goods around the world
      • Cheap, fast air travel
        • Goods and people can move round the world easily for work
      • EU
        • EU citizens can work in any EU country without restrictions
      • Increased free trade
        • Reduced tariffs often due to the WTO
        • Various trade blocs (e.g. EU and APEC)
    • The number of global brands is increasing
      • International broadcasting allows people to watch TV programmes from different countries
      • Internet allows companies to market and sell products internationally


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