

Globalisation: The increased integration and interdependence of national economies; it involves increased international trade, increased inward investment and an increased role for global multinational companies. Reasons for greater globalisation of business: 

  • The growth of free trade areas, such as EU & NAFTA, have reduced barriers to trade within their groups and mean that individual economies are becoming more closely integrated with each other. 
  • Tariffs and other protectionist barriers have gradually been reduced in countries around the world, leading to an increase in world trade
  • The WTO has been instrumental in bringing about a more integrated and interdependent global economy 
  • Increased communication and improved transport have led to reduced barriers between countries and made global travel easier 
  • The growth of large multinational firms creates increased opportunities for economies of scale, leading to lower prices for consumers
  • Improved technology makes it easier to communicate and share information around the world 
  • Improved mobility of capital.




Bags under eyes home remedy

If you are addressing bags under the eyes, it is important to first identify the underlying cause. This may require an evaluation from a physician. If the underlying cause is not treatable or if the individual does not want to pursue further treatment, then one option is to use natural remedies. There are many different methods that can be used for bag reduction and many people find success with a combination of techniques. This article will discuss some tips on how to reduce bags under your eyes. Click HERE