Global Systems and Governance- Case Study Antarctica

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  • Global Systems and Governance- Case Study Antarctica
    • Environment and Climate
      • Has 90% of the Earths ice and 70% of fresh water
      • Little available water for plants to grow, most precipitation that falls is frozen
      • Average temperature is -49 degrees
      • Little sun in the winter- few animals and plants can survive and the ones that do have specially adapted
      • Antarctica's plant life is made up of mosses ad lichens
      • The lack of water, warmth and sunlight mean land is very fragile and is easily damaged
      • Lots of sea lifer- fish, seals, whales, birds like albatross and penguins- if the population of one species decreases it effects others
    • Threats to Antarctica
      • Climate Change
        • Areas along the west coast have warmed by 3 degrees
        • Warming has caused the ice shelves around Weddell and Ross sea to melt
        • Species like Adelie penguins who have adapted to the ice have decreased in numbers
        • The Krill population has declined by 80% since 1970's as the ice has melted
          • Krill is the main food for penguins, seals and whales so a decline in krill has caused a decline in these species
        • Melting ice has impacted sea levels which have risen 3mm since 1990's
      • Fishing and Whaling
        • Patagonain toothfish is being fished unsustainably- 200,000 tonnes of krill were fished in 2013
        • Reduced fish and krill population have effects on other species in the food chain
        • There are legal limits on how much you can fish however there is lots of illegal fishing
        • Whaling was common mid-20th century but has declined since 1982 where regulations were put in place to ban commercial whaling
      • Tourism and Research
        • Increases shipping and air travel leading to water and air pollution
        • Risk of boats hitting icebergs which cause fuel spills
        • Tourists can disturb breeding colonies of birds.
        • Trampling damages vegetation and erodes landscape
        • Litter and waste disposal damages habitats and harms wildlife- decomposition in cold areas are slow
        • Antarctica is important for scientific research this requires lots of facilitiesincluding bases to live, roads to transport supples and places ti store fuel
      • Search for minerals
        • There are large underground deposits of coal and iron in the Transantarctic Mountains and oil reserves under the Sothern Ocean
        • Mining in Antarctica is currently banned- it's also too far to transport machinery
        • Mining in Antarctica would be difficult and expensive
        • Untitled
    • Antarctica Treaty System
      • Agreement about how to sustainably manage Antarctica's ecosystems
      • Has 53 countries
      • Antarctica can only be used for peaceful reasons-no army or weapons allowed there
      • Countries should cooperate on scientific research
      • Antarctica should remain in the global commons
    • International Whaling Commission
      • Responsible for regulating whaling and ensuring that the whale population is at a sustainable level
    • United Nations Environment Programme
      • Governs the world's environment
      • Run by CCAMLR which aims to stop illegal fishing and conserve the Antarctic ecosystem
    • The whaling moratorium banned commercial Whaling
      • Have helped whale population in Antarctica to increase
      • monitored estimation based on sightings and modelling
      • US and Australia think there should be a better monitoring system, However Japan say they don't have the authority to do this
      • NGO's like Greenpeace agree there isn't enough monitoring
      • Japan still kill large numbers for scientific research
    • NGO's
      • Monitor threats to Antarctica
      • observe whether countries are sticking to the laws
      • One main NGO is ASOC- Antarctic and the Southern Ocean Coalition
      • ASOC was formed in 1978- from a group of NGO's who were concerned some countries wanted to make it legal to search for oil, gas and minerals
      • An an NGO ASOC is interested in protecting the environment and speaks up against exploitation from a country
      • Today they monitor changes- and make sure countries are following the 1991 environment protocol
      • They also monitor the effects climate change is having on Antarctica by checking sea level and melting ice.
      • ASOC campaigns with other NGO's to reduce gas greenhouse gas emissions


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