Glacial Landforms

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  • Hanging Valleys
    • Valleys formed by smaller glaciers folowing into the main  glacier.
    • The glacier through is eroded much more deeply by the larger glacier, so when the glacier melt the valleys are left at a higher level
  • Glacial Landforms
    • Hanging Valleys
      • Valleys formed by smaller glaciers folowing into the main  glacier.
      • The glacier through is eroded much more deeply by the larger glacier, so when the glacier melt the valleys are left at a higher level
    • Truncated Spurs
      • Cliff like edges on the valley side formed when ridges of land that stick out into the valley are cut of as the glacier moves past.
    • Ribbion Lakes
      • These are long, thin lakes that form after a glacier retreats. They form hollows where softer rock was eroded more than the surronding hard rock.
    • Corries
      • Hollows containing a small glacier. Eroded by rotational slip forming a armchair shape with a lip at the bottom.
      • When the ive melts it can leave a small lake called a tarn.
    • Pyramidal Peak
      • It is formed when three or more back-to-back glaciers erode a mountain
      • This is a pointed mountain peak of at least three sides
    • Glacial Troughs
      • Steep-sided valleys with flat bottoms. The y start of as a V-Shaped river valley but change to a U-shape as the glacier erodes the sides and bottom, making it deeper and wider.
    • Arete
      • These are steep-sided ridge formed when two glaciers flow in pararllel valleys
      • The glaciers erode the sides of the valleys, which sharpen the ridge between them.


Mr A Gibson


An effective way of presenting the features of a glacial landscape. I would use a copy of this to add some images and examples to before printing it off for your revision wall.

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