Gender differences in subject choice

  • Created by: charl_w
  • Created on: 05-04-15 12:11
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  • Gender and subject choice
    • Early socialisation
      • Early socialisation shapes children's gender identities.
      • In the family- from an early age, boys & girls are dressed differently and given different toys.
        • Boys regarded as being active, girls as being passive (Fiona Norman 1988)
      • At school- Eileen Bryne (1979) found teachers encourages boys to be tough and show initiative, whereas they expected girls to ne quiet and helpful
      • Leisure reading & subject choice
        • Murphy and Elwood (1988) found boys read hobby books and information texts so prefer science.
        • Girls read stories about people and prefer people.
      • Gender domains- tasks seen as either male or female territory.
        • These views are shaped by children's early experiences and by expectations of adults.
    • Gendered subject images
      • Subjects have a 'gender image'- either seen as male or female. E.g. science mainly taught by men, textbooks use boys interests as examples. As a result, seen as a masculine subject so mainly taken by boys.
      • EXAMPLE-Science mainly taught by men, textbooks use boys interests as examples. As a result, seen as a masculine subject so mainly taken by boys.j
    • Peer Pressure
      • Subject choice is influenced by peer pressure.
      • Boys opt out of music or dance as it falls outside their gender domain. Likely to attract negative responses from peers.
      • Girls likely to opt out of sports. Seen as a 'butch' or a 'lesbian'
    • Gendered career opportunities.
      • Employment is highly gendered. Jobs tend to be 'sex typed' as mens or womens.
        • This sex typing affects boys and girls ideas about what jobs are acceptable for their sex.
      • Women's jobs involve a narrow range of occupations falling into 4 categories:
        • Clerical, secretarial, personal services or cleaning.




There is a wide range of reasons for why people choose to study what they study.The gender differences in subject choice are interesting because they shed light on the different ways that boys and girls think about the world and what's important to them.Girls tend to choose subjects with something to do with caring or nurturing, while boys tend to choose subjects with something to do with technology or science. Being an introvert I would like to read article to boost my knowledge about introvert people like me and further I will write an essay about it.

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