gender and crime

  • Created by: tishaaa
  • Created on: 30-10-12 23:47
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  • gender and crime
    • male commmit more crime then women
      • some female crime is not recorded meaning that women do commit crime but it is hard to tell how much they actually commit becasue of the dark figure in official statistics
      • Liberation thesis- has liberated women to commit same crimes as male becasue women are now in employment therefore they also commit white collar crime and serious crime such as selling drugs
    • women are kept in a protective sphere from the outside world
      • Calerne said that courts ignore serious crime against women such as ****
        • she also talks about he gender deals and the class deals
      • the chivalry thesis is the idea that women are treated leniently by the court and policeforce
        • Campbell- women from poor immigration backgrounds saw their mothers beeing abused, evicted and rootless. they were determined to assume more control over their lives however they ended up getting in a relationship with gangsters who still controlled their lives just like their mothers.
      • feminists argue that women are not treated leniently
    • hegemonic masculinity-is the men all men want to be
    • messeechmitcht agrues that men commit crime to gain/ show masculinity
      • not all men achieve the hegemonic masculinity therefore those who ffail to get this are called subordinate masculinity
        • declinne in male traditionla jobs led to men commiting crime inorder to attan their masculinity
      • the growth of night time economy has led to men becoming bouncers at night clubs, as a result they end up selling drugs, and commiting crime
    • bodily capital men get jobs as bouncers because of their appearamce
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  • Campbell- women from poor immigration backgrounds saw their mothers beeing abused, evicted and rootless. they were determined to assume more control over their lives however they ended up getting in a relationship with gangsters who still controlled their lives just like their mothers.


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