GCSE R&J Character analysis with quotes - Lord Capulet

  • Created by: NoaG22
  • Created on: 15-02-22 09:04
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  • Lord Capulet
    • terrible father / strict
      • "disobedient wrench"
        • angry when disobeyed
    • Powerful
      • Act 1 scene 5
    • a protective father
      • Act 1 scene 2
        • "My child is yet a stranger in the world"
          • he thinks she is too young - like she needs to be looked after
            • defending Juliet
              • the audience would have been surprised as its uncommon at that time
            • to shield his child from the dangers of the world
        • "We may think her ripe to be a bride"
        • "She is the hopeful lady of my earth"
          • Juliet is his only child therefore he has a duty to find a good match for her
          • Paris has a very high social class thereby marriage will give J more power and security.
            • This suggests that he cares for her and wants her to have the best life and chance to succeed.
    • angry when disobeyed




Good analysis 

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