Functionalism and crime

  • Created by: brooke34
  • Created on: 07-05-19 13:21
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  • Functionalism and Crime
    • Consensus theory - say society is made up of part that shape behaviour and institutions (education family and media) work together to socialise into value consensus via norms and values.
      • Says social policy are key for society to run smooth  - social stability
    • Durkheim
      • "crime is normal part of society" - it's universal and inevitable
      • Found due to inequality so are socialised different to norms and so deviate.
      • rules become weaker and less clean cut so collectivist consensus is weaker.
      • EVAL - looks at function it serves and how it might affect individuals
    • Merton
      • Anomie - have given incentives to roles, achieve goals to society.
      • for most the dream is material and financial success - occurs at all levels
      • but when were unable to it means there's a lack to create success - strain. people might be denied opportunity
      • EVAL - material wealth is high so property crime is high. Marx say it ignores the way ruling class criminalise poor
    • Cohen - lack of status = frustration leads to deviance. W.C lack opps to succeed in society and leads to deprivation so disqualification in society
    • Miller - W.C values are "excitement and toughness"  so isolated from society
    • Seen in christian extremists murdering an abortion doctor.


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