crime is inevitable and positive

  • Created by: MiaC
  • Created on: 15-06-15 20:01
What would too much crime be?
disruptive to society
1 of 21
What could too much crime result in?
social breakdown and anomie
2 of 21
what is durkheim's quote
crime is normal, an integral part of healthy society
3 of 21
what is the first reason why crime is inevitable?
Not everyone is socialised in to the same norms
4 of 21
What may not exist if not everyone has the same norms?
Organic solidarity
5 of 21
Who suggests not everyone is socialised correctly?
6 of 21
What theory approach does Murray belong to?
The New Right
7 of 21
What is the second reason why crime is inevitable due to our society today?
The postmodern society focuses on pluralism and choice so not everyone has the same definition of crime
8 of 21
So what is the definition of crime therefore subjective or objective?
9 of 21
Who refers to the 2 positive functions of crime?
10 of 21
What is the first positive function?
It reaffirms the boundaries through punishment
11 of 21
What does Cohen refer to?
The dramatisation of evil
12 of 21
Explain what the dramatisation of evil does
Forces people to conform as they learn about the consequences of crime
13 of 21
what is the second positive function?
Adaptation and change
14 of 21
What does every crime begin with?
A deviant act
15 of 21
What changes over time?
Norms around crime and deviance
16 of 21
Crime therefore has what kind of nature?
A reflexive nature
17 of 21
What does this nature allow crime to do
It allows crime to progress
18 of 21
Too much crime creates...
19 of 21
Too little crime creates...
repressed people
20 of 21
Also, what does too little crime prevent?
social change
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What could too much crime result in?


social breakdown and anomie

Card 3


what is durkheim's quote


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the first reason why crime is inevitable?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What may not exist if not everyone has the same norms?


Preview of the front of card 5
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