Frith's model

cognitive model of schizophrenia

also known as a neuropsychological model

  • Created by: Robyn
  • Created on: 10-01-14 12:57
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  • Frith's model of Schizophrenia
    • Sz= Schizophrenia/ schizophrenics
    • Sz patients
      • cannot distinguish actions by external and internal forces
    • Preconscious
      • unaware of processes
      • automatic
      • unlimited capacity
      • deals with inconsequential info
    • Conscious
      • highest level of cognitive functioning
      • full subjective awareness
      • limited capacity
        • one task at a time
      • filter between
        • Preconscious
          • unaware of processes
          • automatic
          • unlimited capacity
          • deals with inconsequential info
      • deals with consequential info
    • Frith believes...
      • 1) filter between breaks down
      • 2) inconsequential info in conscious
      • 3) unimportant info seen as important
      • 4) leads to delusions
    • Auditory hallucinations
      • 1) always surrounded by sound
      • 2) only important info dealt with
      • 3) Szs= no filter
      • 4) non-speech sounds can be converted to speech
    • faulty filter underpinned
      • irregularity of the neuronal pathways
        • connect hippocampus to pre-frontal cortex
          • linked to faulty regulation of dopamine
      • changes in cerebral blood flow in Sz brains
        • while engaged in cognitive tasks
    • no universal support
    • criticised
      • no environmental factor acknowledgement


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