Friendship between Julien and Jean

  • Created by: EmmaWray9
  • Created on: 30-04-22 15:51
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  • L'amitié entre Julien et Jean
    • Evolution of their friendship
      • At the beginning - Julien shows his superiority, that he is the leader, and wants to appear strong in front of the others
        • Can tell that Julien wants to help Jean, they know they're both different
      • Piano lessons - first time Julien is jealous of Jeans talent. They end up playing together and ignoring the alarm
      • Similarities - both apart from the others, like reading, clever, have secrets
      • In the forest - alone together, helping each other, found by Gestapo
        • Close up in car - shared experience, strengthened freindship
          • Close up of Julien - crying, finally understands the situation
            • Suddenly realises how bad the situation is, won't see his friend again
            • No dialogue, only bells and soldiers foot steps, brutal and sad
              • Suddenly realises how bad the situation is, won't see his friend again
      • Firm friends - ended soon when Jean arrested
        • Close up of Julien - crying, finally understands the situation
          • No dialogue, only bells and soldiers foot steps, brutal and sad
      • Julien intrigued
        • Doesn't join in with bullying him
        • The other boys are always making fun of Jean
          • Doesn't join in with bullying him
          • About his name - 'Bonnet d'ane'
          • In the maths lesson - trip him up
        • Tries to find out what Jean is hiding
      • A true friendship
        • He discovers that Jean is a Jew but it doesn't change their relationship
        • Share their secrets, no one else knows
          • They both understand the importance of keeping each others secrets
            • Although Julien doesn't know why, doesn't know the dangers
        • They both understand the importance of keeping each others secrets
          • Although Julien doesn't know why, doesn't know the dangers
      • Ends suddenly, with guilt
        • Julien never really understood Jeans situation, just thinks of him as a friend, until the end
          • His look gives Jean away to the Gestapo
            • Wants to protect his friend, doesn't know what he's doing
              • Julien never really understood Jeans situation, just thinks of him as a friend, until the end
            • Wants to protect his friend, doesn't know what he's doing


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