As geography food supply issues

  • Created by: kat
  • Created on: 07-05-13 18:34
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  • Food issues
    • food supply
      • regional
      • world wide
      • local
    • global trade
      • issues
        • food miles
    • CAP
      • uk
      • india , mexico
      • sustainable
      • miles
    • modernisation
      • technology
      • gm crops
      • intensive
    • Malthus and Boserup
      • enough food for  increasing populaiton
      • not enough food ever
    • types of farming
      • livestock
      • arable
      • organic
      • pastoral
      • subistiance
      • intensive
      • extensive
    • environmental stewardship
      • schemes
      • uk
    • appropriate farming
      • cuba
        • seed banks
    • pesticides
      • insecticides
      • over uses
      • eutrophication
  • environmental stewardship
    • schemes
    • uk


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