Feudal System

  • Created by: Immms06
  • Created on: 03-06-21 15:47
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  • Feudal System
    • Social Structure and the Feudal system
      • Anglo-Saxons had control of England before the Normans took over
        • The King owned land which was divided between 7 earls for example Harold Godwinson who was the earl of wessex and Morcar Earl of Northumbria
        • The earls were powerful and took control of large areas of the country and divided it between men called thanes
        • In return for land, someone would make an oath of fealty to the person who gave it to them and they would promise to fight for the person
        • This was knon as the feaudal system
      • Feudal system helped william control England
        • The chrurch owned 25% of the kings land
        • William kept 20% for himself - Royal demense - used it for hunting areas
        • The remaining land went to the Tenants chief - barons and bishops
          • The Anglo - Saxons gave their land tto their 7 earls and the Normans gave it to their 200 tenants - in - chief
          • He didn't want to give too much land in case they became too powerful.
          • Help him rule
          • The kings half brother Robert of Mortain was given 17 different countries
          • The only barons that were given big chunks of land were the marcher lords and William FitzOsbern who had the Welsh borders
        • The Tenants - in - chief had to swear an Oath of Fealty to william to show loyalty
        • The tenants in chiefs shared their land with the knight who promised to fight for them in exchange for land and the knights gave land to the villeins who would work for the knights
        • The King thought that the knights  were being more loyal to the tenants in cheif than him so had to swear and oath of Sailisbury
    • Government and kingship
      • Anglo - Saxons
        • The kings was very powerful and ,ade big decisions
        • The kings was advised by the Witan who had the right to choose the next king and chose between available athelings (princes)
        • Chanceru and writs
      • Normans
        • William is a very powerful king. Wore his crown in public and had crown wearings in London every year to show his power.
        • Curia Regis instead of Witan; they did not have the right to choose next king
        • Untitled
        • The Royal household helped with his daily needs
        • The chancery
        • Local government; writs were passed on to local areas and sherffffs helped run shires
    • Law and Justice
      • Courts
        • The Kings court; most serious crimes were trialed
        • Shire and manor courts; less serious crimes
      • Hue and Cry was when someone saw a crime being a committed had to join and try and find the criminal and if you didnt take part, you would be fined
        • Anglo - saxons to normans
      • Trial by Ordeal was when
        • Anglo - saxons to normans
      • Normans
        • Church courts who controlled courts for preists for committing religious crimes and it was introduced as William was very religious
        • Murdrum was introduced if a norman was killed and if the killer was not found in five days the whole town would be fined of where the murder was.
        • Forest law was if someone was found hunting in the royal forests they be blinded as a punishment
        • Trial by combat was when you had to fight for innocents


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