Fear in 'Dracula' and 'The Little Stranger'

  • Created by: carys
  • Created on: 29-05-19 15:05
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  • Fear in Dracula and A Little Stranger
    • The supernatural creates a sense of fear in both texts
    • In Dracula, the character's fear is invested in the Count.
      • The Little Stranger is more anonymous. It is the fear of the Unknown.
    • Location
      • Jonathan fears the primitive nature of Transylvania. "Leaving the West and entering the East". Dark wooded forests and wolves. "szygany's" part of gypsy culture, most despised minority.
        • The "peasants" fear for Jonathan. They gift him a "crucifix". His scientific logic means he disregards that fear.
        • Stoker narrates the distinct xenophobic views of Victorian society. Therefore, it is fitting that the evil Dracula is located in the feared "East".
      • Hundreds Hall as the perfect Gothic setting to exacerbate the character's fear.
        • Adjectives, "overgrown and untended", "decay" = isolation and disrepair = the traditional Gothic building.
    • TLS the supernatural element seems to be victimising the fears of the family
      • Roderick - the house, he struggles to manage is father's estate
      • Caroline - "Gyp" is put down because of his "out of character" attack on Gillian.
      • Mrs Ayres - Susan, the "S's" appear because she has never stopped grieving for her daughter.
      • Dr Faraday ignores the fear, and instead uses logic. eg the telephone ringing is just "a muddle at the exchange". Similar to Jonathan. Logic blinds them from reality.
    • Roderick fears for his Mother and Sister in the failing Hundreds Hall. In Dracula, the men feel an inherent desire to protect Lucy and MIna.
      • Dracula - Fear of female sexual expression. He transforms Lucy from a "sweet" "pure" and virginal ingenue, into a woman displaying "voluptuous wantonness".
        • Imperatives, "kiss me" when addressing Arthur displays an unhealthy sexual desire, especially the dynamic verb "spasm of rage", highlighting repressed sexuality.
          • The men fear Dracula's powers because he has transformed the Victorian ideal of female beauty and chastity into her opposite. She is the "foul thing". The men fear for Lucy, so it is no wonder they put a stake through her heart in order to return her to her socially and morally acceptable state.
      • Faraday wants to protect Caroline and Mrs Ayres. He insinuates himself into the household. He is agitated by Caroline's knowledge of "meths and liquids" - but she does not fear disregarding the 'Lady of the Gentry' ways. Faraday treats her like a vulnerable child, hiding her from reality. Patronising endearment, "good girl".
        • The Fear of Changing Social Classes
          • Faraday is conscious about his social class. Instead of describing the girl he was in love with, he just calls her, "A girl from a good Birmingham family".
          • Ayres as victims of post-war Britain. The new Labour state = downfall of the upper classes. The new council houses on Hundreds land represents the encroachment of the working class.
    • The men fear for Mina, as they have already lost another representative of female purity.
      • "the Crusaders" hide her from the events, even though she has great intelligence and strength (her "man's brain". however, "they are men and able to bear". = she is left vulnerable.
        • Dracula makes her drink from his chest - perversion of the Christian Eucharist, "blood of ,y blood, flesh of my flesh".
          • He leaves her with the fear of God. "Impure! Impure!". the christian wafer burns through her forehead like "white hot metal".
            • The men also fear for themselves. - Christian ideas, Adam's suffrage because of Eve's desires.


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