Dracula: York notes

  • Created by: Hannah274
  • Created on: 09-01-17 10:04
What type of novel is Dracula?
1 of 14
What is the significance of St George's day?
It is a time when 'all the evil things in the world will have full sway.'
2 of 14
Why is Harker hesitant when the woman in Transelvaina gives him a rosary?
Because he is a protestant, or 'English churchman.'
3 of 14
When Harker travels towards the East he moves away from comfort and warmth to ...
Cruelty, and the cold
4 of 14
What quote be Harker demonstrates the homosexual tension between him and the Count?
'Horrible feeling of nausea' when the count leans over him.
5 of 14
Why does Harker 'close my eyes in languorous escasty and waited...waited with a beating heart.'
Because the vampire women are about to 'kiss' him.
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Why are those loyal to Dracula gypsies?
Because they are not the same as traditional British people.
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Who is the 'filthy leech'?
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Who is 'god's woman.'
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What is 'the fault of our science.'
'To explain all, and if it explains not then there is nothing to explain.'
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What could the vampire's bite represent when related to desire?
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What does the blood staining the dress symbolise when Mina is bitten?
Virginal blood being spilt from R**e.
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What animal/s does Dracula resemble when he climbs down the walls of Castle Dracula?
Lizard and a bat.
13 of 14
Why does Dracula's coffins need to be 'sterilized'? And which theme does this link to.
Because he is like an infection. That Dracula is an infecting force against colonialism.
14 of 14

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Card 2


What is the significance of St George's day?


It is a time when 'all the evil things in the world will have full sway.'

Card 3


Why is Harker hesitant when the woman in Transelvaina gives him a rosary?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When Harker travels towards the East he moves away from comfort and warmth to ...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What quote be Harker demonstrates the homosexual tension between him and the Count?


Preview of the front of card 5
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