Physical Factors affecting water supply

  • Created by: Caits24
  • Created on: 16-04-17 13:48
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  • Factors affecting water supply (physical)
    • Geology
      • Permeable soils and rocks may allow water to pass into underground drainage systems
        • Limestone
      • Aquifers can store vast quantities of water underground
        • Chalk & porous sandstone
      • Where the rocks underlying a river basin are impermeable, water will remain on the surface as run off creating a high drainage density
    • River Systems
      • World's major rivers store large quantities of water and transfer it across continents
        • Amazon produces an average discharge of 219,000 km cubed (20% of all river water entering the worlds oceans)
    • Climate
      • Equatorial areas have 2 distinct periods of wet weather per year
        • Amazon lowlands
      • Rainfall varies with seasons
      • Regions near the equator receive high levels of annual precipitation while tropical areas suffer recurring droughts
        • Amazon rainforest Sahel


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