Human factors affecting water supply

  • Created by: Caits24
  • Created on: 16-04-17 14:02
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  • Factors affecting water supply (human)
    • Domestic
      • Global domestic demand seems to be doubling every 20 years
      • MEDCs need at least 100,000 litres of water per person per year
        • African countries need less than 50,000
      • Water usage in homes is the smallest category of consumption using only 10%
    • Usage
      • Agriculture
        • 1kg of beef is 10x more 'water costly' to produce than 1kg of rice
        • Uses 69% of world's 4430.7km cubed a year freshwater supply
      • Industry
        • HEP uses huge amounts of water but this is available to other users once it has passed through the turbines
        • Industry is more efficient than agriculture with the exception of paper manufacturing
    • Economic
      • Economic water scarcity occurs mainly in Africa (central and southern)
      • More than 1 billion people in Sub Saharan Africa use less than 25% of river sources available


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