Factors Affecting Food Choice

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  • Factors Relating To Food Choice
    • Personal Factors
      • Likes & Dislikes
      • Age
      • Lifestyle
      • Occupation
        • Convenience foods if you're working long hours...?
      • Physical Activity Level
        • Active people more conscious of their health
      • Untitled
    • Social Factors
      • Following what teen friends enjoy
      • Following adult advice to shop on a budget
      • Celebration / Occasion
        • e.g. cakes on birthdays
    • Economic Factors
      • People with high income can spend more money on branded foods etc.
      • Own brand food can often be cheaper
      • Healthy food is often more expensive
    • Religious and Cultural Factors
      • Muslims do not eat food such as beef & lamb if it has not been slaughtered by the Halal method
      • Jews don't eat non-Kosher foods
      • You may buy foods traditional to your country - e.g. Japanese may have a preference for sushi over fish and chips
    • Ethical and Environmental Factors
      • Organic Produce
      • Fairtrade Produce
      • Local Produce
    • Health Factors
      • People with allergies will avoid buying foods containing allergens
    • Marketing Strategies
      • Financial incentives e.g. buy one get one free
    • Food Availability
      • Seasonality


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