Factors affecting enzyme activity

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  • Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
    • Temperature
      • 1. An increase in temperature makes enzymes vibrate more
      • 2. If the temperature goes above a certain level the bonds between the enzymes are broken - the enzyme loses its shape
      • 3. The active site changes shape, which means the substrate no longer fits when the temperature gets too high
      • 4. The enzyme denatures if the temperature is too high
    • Substrate Concentration
      • 1. An increase in substrate means greater collisions between substrate and enzymes
      • This will happen until a saturation point where all the enzymes are used and adding more substrate will make no difference
    • pH Levels
      • 1. Just like temperature, they have a optimum pH level, which is 7
      • 2. However, Pepsin works best at pH 2 as it is found in the stomach
      • 3. Enzyme's tertiary structure is held by ionic and hydrogen bonds, which can be altered by pH levels above and below 7
      • 4. H+ and OH- ions alter the bonds
      • 5. This changes the shape of the active site, making the enzyme denatured
    • Enzyme Concentration
      • As the enzyme concentration increases the rate of the reaction increases linearly, because there are more enzyme molecules available to catalyse the reaction.
      • At very high enzyme concentration the substrate concentration may become rate-limiting, so the rate stops increasing.
      • Normally enzymes are present in cells in rather low concentrations.
    • Inhibitors
      • Inhibitors inhibit the activity of enzymes, reducing the rate of their reactions.
      • They are found naturally but are also used artificially as drugs, pesticides and research tools.
      • Inhibitors that bind fairly weakly and can be washed out are called reversible inhibitors, while those that bind tightly and cannot be washed out are called irreversible inhibitors.


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