Eyewitness testimony

  • Created by: __Jess
  • Created on: 21-03-23 18:39
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  • Eyewitness testimony
    • Misleading information
      • Loftus and Palmer
        • Adjectives used to describe the car in an interview changed the participant's perception of it's speed
      • Response-bias explanation
        • Wording of the question doesn't affect memory, just how the person decides to answer
        • Substitution not response bias
          • Loftus and Palmer
            • Adjectives to describe the car's impact changed whether participants recalled broken glass
      • Post-event discussion
        • When eyewitnesses to a crime discuss what they saw together
        • Gabbert et al
          • When witnesses talk about the event together, EWT is distorted
        • Memory contamination
          • Original memory altered because witness combines misinformation from other witnesses with their own account
        • Memory conformity
          • Eyewitnesses may go along with other witnesses because they want to gain social approval, or they think the others are right
      • Evaluation
        • Strengths
          • Real world application
        • Weaknesses
          • Evidence against substitution
            • Sutherland and Hayne
          • Evidence against memory conformity
            • Skagerberg and Wright
    • Anxiety
      • Negative effect on recall
        • Physiological arousal in the body prevents us paying attention
        • Johnson and Scott
          • Weapon focus reduces accuracy of face recognition
          • Tunnel theory
            • Our attention narrows onto the point of our anxiety
      • Positive effect on recall
        • Fight or flight response triggers alertness
        • Yuille and Cutshall
          • Participants who recorded the highest levels of stress were the most accurate
      • Yerkes and Dodson
        • The relationship between anxiety and recall looks like an "inverted U"
      • Evaluation
        • Strengths
          • Support for negative effects
            • Valentine and Mesout
          • Support for positive effects
            • Christianson and Hubinette
        • Weaknesses
          • Johnson and Scott's study might have tested unusualness instead of anxiety
            • Pickel
    • The cognitive interview
      • Fisher and Geiselman
      • Four main techniques
        • Report everything
          • Even trivial details should be reported
        • Reinstate the context
          • Related to context-dependent forgetting
        • Reverse the order
          • Prevents people from reporting their expectations of the incident. Also prevents dishonesty
        • Change perspective
          • Prevents the effect of schema
      • Enhanced cognitive interview
        • Fisher et al
        • Developed the CI to focus on some social dynamics of the interaction
      • Evaluation
        • Strengths
          • Supporting evidence
            • Kohnken et al
        • Weaknesses
          • Not all of the elements are equally useful
            • Milne and Bull
          • Time consuming
          • Requires special training


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