Explanations of Attachment: Bowlby

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  • Explanation: Bowlby
    • Attachment is innate so behaviours are adaptive in order to promote survival
    • Monotropy - unique attachment between mum + baby - gives out social releasers
      • Mum is biologically programmed to respond to social releasers
      • signals that get mum's attention, e.g. crying, screaming
    • Mum provides secure base for baby to explore, providing internal working model (IWM)
      • Template to know how to form relationships later in life
      • Continuity hypothesis: those who don't have early attachments have intellectual/emotional difficulties in late life
    • Schaffer + Emerson found some babies form multiple attachments, refuting monotropy
    • Brazleton found that is mum ignored social releasers, the baby became distressed, so supports significance of social behaviour in eliciting caregiving
    • Hazan + Shaver 'Love Quiz' relationships in early years reflected relationships with later partners, thus supporting IWM


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