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  • Exercise
    • Exercise increases the heart rate
      • Your muscle cells use oxygen to release energy from glucose- they respire aerobically
      • The energy is used to contract the muscles
      • When you exercise:
        • Your muscle cells need more oxygen and glucose
        • Extra carbon dioxide needs to be removed from the muscle cells
        • For these things to happen, the blood has to flow at a faster rate
      • This is why you exercise:
        • Increase your breathing rate
        • Increases your heart rate
        • Makes you breathe more deeply
    • Glycogen is used during exercise
      • 1) your muscles store glucose as glycogen
      • 2) During hard exercise, molecules use glucose quickly
      • 3) some of the stored glycogen is changed back to glucose to give more energy
    • Anaerobic respiration is used if there's not enough oxygen
      • 1) When you do hard exercise, your body can't supply enough oxygen to your muscles
      • 2) Anaerobic respiration is respiration without oxygen
      • 3) It's incomplete breakdown of glucose ( the glucose isn't broken down properly )
      • 4) Anaerobic respiration is NOT the best way to convert glucose into energy
      • 5) This is because it makes lactic acid. The lactic acid builds up in the muscles and gets painful
      • 6) Lactic acid also causes muscle fatigue- the muscles get tired and stop contracting as well
      • 7) Blood flowing though your muscles removes the lactic acid


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