evolutionary explanations AO1

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  • evolutionary explanations (Darwin) A01
    • Sexual selection
      • attributes or behaviors that increase reproductive success to future generations
    • Anisogamy
      • Females have a limited amount of egg production and therefore are discriminatory in their choice of partner.
    • Inter-sexual selection
      • The strategies that an individual uses to select their male of female partner (between the sexes)
      • Genes that make someone more attractive are more likely to attract a partner and pass on the gene
        • An example is if women prefer tall men as they can protect and support them, there will be an increase of tall men in the population
        • An individual possessing the characteristics are more likely to mate as humans are programmed to attend to such characteristics
    • Intra-sexual selection
      • males compete with one another to achieve reproductive success (male competition)
      • The winner gets to reproduce with the female and therefore pass on his characteristics through his offspring
        • The winners are most likely to be those with greater physique and strength
        • Key characteristics include: muscularity, deep voice, facial and body hair
    • Short and long term mate preference
      • Being choosy means that at least half of the genetic quality of an offspring will be determined by the partner chosen.
      • Long term mating preferences
        • this is where males and females both invest heavily in any offspring. this means that both sexes have to be choosey.
          • Females seek a male that can provide for and protect their offspring
          • Males seek a female that shows signals of fertility in order to achieve reproductive success
        • poor long term mate choice could be disastrous as both sexes would have invested valuable recourses
      • Short term mating preferences
        • over the years males have evolved a greater desire for casual sex and sex early in on the relationship
        • Females have not evolved the same way as men as they can still only reproduce a limited number of times


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