  • Created by: mrmendes
  • Created on: 13-11-18 21:33
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  • Euthanasia introduction
  • Types of Euthanasia.
  • Voluntary Euthanasia
  • Involuntary Euthanasia
  • Arguments for voluntary euthanasia
  • Should have a person have the right to choose the manor and time of their death?
  • Should a person be given assistance in that process if needed?
  • The ethical arena of voluntary euthanasia is divided between those who tend to feel that it is right and merciful for us to have the freedom to decide the time and nature of our deaths, and those who claim that such autonomy would have harmful side-effects on society, or that it goes against religious beliefs.
  • Pain relief can help people who are terminally ill, there may be situations where people are in terrible pain, or have such a profound sense of indignity because of their mental deterioration that they wish while they still have the chance to express a choice, to bring about death more quickly.
  • Argument: Voluntary euthanasia is NOT murder. In the article (written by Gregory E. Pence) "Why physicians should aid the dying" in 1997, Pence argues that killing humans who don't want to live is not wrong. It isn't wrong to help the dying to die, because they are already actually dying.By helping a person who is gravely ill and wants to die, to die is being merciful and stopping them from experiencing unnecessary pain.
  • Argument: Voluntary euthanasia is merciful. Voluntary euthanasia shows mercy for those suffering from intolerable pain from an incurable disease. "A torturing and lingering pain, so that there is no hope, either of recovery or ease (they may) choose rather to die, since they cannot live but in much misery" Thomas More. Utopia. 1516. Voluntary euthanasia is a merciful opportunity to end needless suffering, one in which we offer to animals and should offer to humans as well.
  • Argument: Voluntary euthanasia gives people autonomy."The only part of the conduct of any one, for which (a citizen) is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his body and mind, the individual is sovereign." John Stuart Mill. 'On Liberty' 1859. We expect to have control over our bodies in matters of life, and it should be the same in matters of death.
  • Argument: Euthanasia goes on already. In 1994 the British Medical Journal published a survey which showed that some doctors already help patients to die. Doctors can legally give pain-relieving treatment in doses that will bring about people's death more quickly, and in certain circumstance, such as in the case of the brain dead, or comatose, they may also withdraw or withhold treatment even though a person will die if they do so. They cannot directly help someone to die at the persons request. The VES holds that it would be more honest and much safer if voluntary euthanasia was legal and regulated. They argue that there is no ethical difference between withdrawing treatment  and delivering a lethal injection.
  • Argument: Voluntary euthanasia maintains quality of life. Human beings should be able to maintain their dignity up until the ends of their life. This is not simply a matter of pain, but of self-respect. If someone's standard of living is such that they no longer want to live, then they should be able to end their life, and, if necessary, be assisted in doing so. The quality of life worth living is one that only they can define. Having control over their life is a way of enhancing their human dignity.
  • Arguments against voluntary euthanasia.
  • The risk of misinformation or failure to comprehend the situation leaves the patient vunerable to a decision that he or she might not truley want to make.
  • Motives Mistakes  Abuse of the system. Impacts on the community.
  • Motives. How can we be sure that a person isn't crying out for help rather than making a definitive decision? In desperate moments, someone may feel that they want their life to end- that the pain is too great and life is too agonising.  But perhaps those moments will pass and they will be pleased nobody acted on their please.
  • Can doctors be sure they know and understand all the facts? Is it possible they may fear a future which will not be realised. Any euthanasia process would have to be able to establish, beyond any doubt, the true intentions of the patient who is requesting euthanasia and that the patient is fully aware of the situation.


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