ethnic external factors

  • Created by: danij2002
  • Created on: 27-03-19 20:54
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  • ethnic external factors
    • white british
      • GCSE attainment= 2004: 41.6  2013: 60.5
      • STRAND
        • White British families have high amounts of risk factors (especially w/c)
        • Not true for all especially m/c
    • indian
      • GCSE attain,ent= 2004: 54.5 2013: 75.7
      • Below average for FSM
        • Indian students do very well despite not having english as home language
      • KHANUM
        • Shelf life/ housewife
        • Bragging rights
          • Indians feel the most pressure from parents to do 'respected' subjects and achieve at the highest levels
          • Community competition and honour
    • pakistani
      • GCSE attainment= 2004: 31.3 2013: 55.5
      • KHANUM
        • Bragging rights
          • Need the respect from the community for honour
        • 'Shelf life' and becoming a housewife
          • Women have to sacrifice career aspirations in order to focus on becoming a passive wife and getting married
          • it is perceived that they must be married by a certain age
        • limitations
          • Pakistanis feel less pressure from parents than other asian groups and often do as they please despite what parents say
      • Material Deprivation
        • almost half of pakistani workers earn less than £7 an hour compared to a quarter of white
        • pakistani women more likely to be engaged in low income homeworking
    • bangladeshi
      • GCSE attainment= 2004: 32.5 2013: 64
      • FLAHERTY
        • more likely to be unemployed3x more than white
            • correlation between low income and underachievement
        • High parental support
    • black caribbean
      • GCSE attainment = 2004: 23.3 2013: 53.3
      • SEWELL
        • absent fathers leads to street gang culture
          • anti-school black masculinity
            • Not all boys react this way
        • nurtured by MTV
      • Lone parents may lead to material deprivation
      • Despite this there is high aspiration and also high amounts of parental support
        • Also positively black girls have good role models
    • black african
      • GCSE attainment= 2004: 31.3 2013: 61.2
        • High aspirations and 70% continue after GCSES
      • Do not speak english at home which may be a disadvantage
        • Swann report shows that it isn't a major issue with only a difference of 3.2 in attainment
      • Fatalistic: "live for today" culture
    • chinese
      • GCSE attainment= 2004: 63.9 2013: 78.1
      • SEWELL
        • Asian work ethic
      • BASIT
        • Asian children listen to and respect their grandparents
      • LUPTON
        • Asian authority in the household mirrors authority of education


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