AO1: Ethical Implications in Research and Theories

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  • Ethical Implications of research and theory (AO1)
    • Ethical Issues
      • Deception- When you provide ps with false information
      • Right to withdraw- Ps must have the right to withdraw themselves and their data from the study
      • Informed consent- give ps every bit of information about the study so they can make an informed decision about whether they want to take part.
      • Privacy and confidentiality- any information must be kept confidential with no identifiable information on it
    • Social sensitivity
      • Socially sensitive research is a term that refers to any psychological research that has ethical implications that go beyond the research situation and affects people in wider society.
      • People potentially affected by SSR include; the participants who took part in a study; their families; cultures within society; the researchers and their institution.
      • Some areas are more likely to be controversial and be subject to greater social sensitivity. It's the researchers job to be aware of any implications of their research. Studies that tackle socially sensitive topics tend to attract more attention.
      • However, this shouldn't stop psychologists from carrying out this research as its arguable that psychologists have a social responsibility to carry this research out.
    • Ethical implications in socially sensitive research
      • Sieber and Stanley produced a landmark paper on the issues related to research that has social consequences. They outlined that the guidelines produced by the APA referred to the social implication of research but not to how it may be resolved
      • 1. What are the Implications?
        • a. The research question- researchers have to be aware of the implications of asking a question.
        • b. The wider effects of the research should be considered as some studies may be seen as giving scientific credence to prejudice and discrimination.
      • 2. Use/public policy- What is the research likely to be used for? What would happen if the research was used for the wrong purposes?
      • 3. The validity of the research- some findings have bee presented as objective that have turned out to be highly suspect (Bert). This is an issue as the public may interpret this as real and this could lead to further prejudice


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