CARBON - Energy Security

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  • Energy Security
    • security is achieved when a country as a plentiful supply of energy with an uninterrupted availability with an affordable price.
      • The more a country depends on imported energy, the more it is exposed to geopolitical and economic risks.
        • Availability: energy mix dependent on domestic rather than imported energy sources.
        • Accessibility: if it is easily accessible and available.
        • Affordability - if a country can afford the competitive pricing.
        • Reliability - a reliable and uninterrupted supply.
    • Energy mix  - the combination of different energy sources available to meet a countries demand.
      • primary energy sources are those found in nature that have not been subject to conversion or trans-formation. primary energy can be renewable or non-renewable.
      • Secondary energy sources refer to more convenient forms of energy such as electricity derived from conversion or trans-formation of of primary energy sources.
      • Non-renewable fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas).
      • recyclable fuels (nuclear, general waste and biomass)
      • renewable (water, wind, solar, geothermal and tidal).
      • From 1820-2010, Coal (180 ExaJoules P.Year) and oil (160 ExaJoules P.Year) have been the largest con-sumption rises.
      • between 1820 and 1910, mostly biofuels and a small amount of oil where the only energy sources used.


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