Rebellions against Elizabeth  

  • Created by: aisha_26
  • Created on: 04-02-18 12:34
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  • Revolts against Elizabeth
    • Rebellions of the Northern Earls (1569-70)
      • What was the progress on the plot?
        • Northumberl-and and Westmorland took control of Durham Cathedral.
        • Elizabeth moved Mary to Coventry to stop her escaping with the rebels.
        • The rebels captured Hartlepool.
      • What was the plan?
        • Mary, Queen of Scots would marry the Duke of Norfolk, depose Elizabeth and become queen herself.
      • Why did the revolt fail?
        • Support from Spain never came.
        • Many northern landowners, especially Lancashire and Cheshire, remained loyal to Elizabeth
        • Many landowners did  not want to risk losing their wealth.
      • What was the significance of the revolt?
        • Mary, Queen of Scots couldn't be trusted- she was kept in prison.
        • The Pope exocommuni-cated Elizabeth- encouraged further plots against her.
        • Loyalty of English Catholics in doubt- government took harsh action against them.
        • Elizabeth's control over Northern England strengthened
    • The Ridolfi Plot (1571)
      • What was the plan?
        • Murder Elizabeth, start a Spanish invasion, put Mary Queen of Scots on the throne and marry her to the Duke of Norfolk.
      • What was the progress on the plot?
        • Ridolfi travelled to the Netherlands to discuss the plot with the Pope, Philip II and the Duke of Alba.
        • Philip II instructed the Duke of Alba to prepare 10,000 troops to send across the English channel to support the revolt
      • Why did the plot fail?
        • Sir William Cecil discovered the plot and, by autumn 1571, was able to prove the Duke of Norfolk guilty of high treason.
        • In May 1572, Elizabeth signed Norfolk's death warrant which led to his execution in June 1572.
        • Elizabeth was reluctant to sign Mary's death warrant so did not do so.
      • What was the significance of the plot?
        • Confirmed that Mary was still a threat to Elizabeth.
        • The government began to monitor Catholics more closely and began to treat them more severely.
        • Reinforced the threat from Spain; Philip II would support any plots against Elizabeth.
        • England needed to improve relations with France as they could not fight both France and Spain at once.
    • The Throckmorton Plot (1583)
      • What was the plan?
        • Invade England, overthrow Elizabeth, free Mary and make England Catholic again.
      • What was the progress on the plot?
        • Philip II offered to help pay for the revolt and the pope approved of the conspiracy.
        • Francis Throckmorton, a young Englishman, would pass letters between the plotters and Mary, Queen of Scots.
      • Why did the plot fail?
        • Sir Francis Walsingham discovered the plot in May 1583
        • In November 1583, Walsingham's spies found papers at Throckmort-on's house that revealed his part in the conspiracy.
        • Throckmorton was then arrested and tortured. He confessed to his involvement and was executed in May 1584.#
      • What was the significance of the plot?
        • Revealed the extent of  threat posed by foreign Catholic powers.
        • Government treated English Catholics with greater suspicion and many fled England after the plot.
        • Showed the potential threat from France and Spain.
        • Throckmort-on's papers included a list of Catholic sympathisers in England, confirming government's fears of 'enemy within'.
    • The Babington Plot (1586)
      • What was the plan?
        • The Duke of Guise would invade England, murder Elizabeth and put Mary, Queen of Scots on the throne.
      • What was the progress on the plot?
        • Anthony Babington, a Catholic, wrote to Mary in July 1586 about the conspiracy.
        • Mary responded with support for the plot to go ahead by sending messages in cork bottles. (The messages were coded.)
      • Why did the plot fail?
        • Sir Francis Walsingham intercepted the letters and read Mary's awareness of the plot.
        • Babington and the other plotters were sentenced to death and hung,drawn and quartered.
        • Elizabeth delayed but signed Mary's death warrant in February 1587. Mary was beheaded shortly afterwards.
      • What was the significance of the plot?
        • By 1585, England and Spain were virtually at war.
        • Elizabeth's government were determined to crush the Catholic threat.
        • The persecution of Catholics intensified.
        • The plot led to the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, ending any hope of replacing Elizabeth with a Catholic heir.




Great detail and good layout!

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