the origins of the universe

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  • The origins of the universe (PI)
    • CMBR
      • Cosmic Background Microwave Radiation
      • evidence for the Big Bang
      • microwaves coming from every direction in space- radiation produced by the Big Bang
      • after Big Bang when universe was very hot still everything in universe emitted high frequency radiation . As universe expanded= cooled and radiation dropped in frequency and is seen as microwave radiation
    • limitations of Big Bang theory
      • predicts universe's expansion should be slowing down but is actually speeding up
      • doesn't explain what caused the explosion or conditions before
      • will be adapted to account for its weaknesses rather then dropped
    • Big Bang theory- origin of the  universe
      • 1. all matter + energy compressed in 1 tiny point
      • 2. exploded from single point and started expanded
      • 3. still going on and can use to estimate universes' age
      • Alternative= Steady State  theory. Universe always existed as it has done and always will.  Based on idea that universe same everywhere. Explains expansion by suggesting that matter is created as universe expands.
    • Red Shift
      • light observed from distant galaxies has been shifted towards red  end of spectrum. Means frequency has decreased + wavelength increased
      • blue shift would indicate galaxy moving towards us.
        • More distant galaxies have greater red shift- means moving away faster than nearer ones
        • Each element produces specific pattern of dark lines at frequencies it absorbs in visible spectrum when look at light from distant galaxies can see same patterns but at slightly lower frequency- means shifted forward to red end.
          • different chemical elements absorb different frequencies of light


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