eating behaviours - culture

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  • Eating Behaviour - CULTURE
    • Can have a significant effect on diet as a result of the availability of food, specific environments and religious beliefs
    • Ball and Kenardy studied women in Australia from different ethnicities; the longer they spent in Australia the more the eating behaviour changed to fit the culture - acculturation. Supports the idea that eating behaviour can be influences by culture.
    • Stead et al found that the minority ethnic groups studied, lived in the poorest socio-economic conditions, and had lower disposable incomes and poorer quality diet
    • Lawrence et al used nationwide discussion groups to investigate factors affecting the food choices of ethnic minority females
      • Zimbabwean women noted that Western cultural pressure to be slim, reflected in their eating practices, was not present in Zimbabwe. This suggests that the desire to be 'skinny' in Western cultures influences the eating behaviour of women, the absence of this desire in non Western cultures means that eating behaviours are influenced in a different way 
      • Bangladeshi and Pakistani females learned cooking skills from older family females and took pride in traditional cooking. As cooking is an important thing in this culture they are less likely to have unhealthy fast food


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