earthquake management/ response

  • Created by: roseb00d
  • Created on: 02-07-22 15:35
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  • earthquakes management / response
    • predicting
      • is is very hard to predict earthquakes as they can occur anywhere along a fault line and the changing stress is not very predictable
      • using radon gas - it can build up in cavities and cracks and it is thought that it can release with the strain of the earth's crust before on earthquake- reliability of this method is inconclusive
      • monitor ground deformation- use tiltmeters, laser beams and gps satellites (SLR) to detect ground deformation
      • ground water levels and chemistry - water table experiences suddern and sharp changes before earthquakes - there are also links to change in water chemistry
      • foreshocks - often get small earthquakes before the big one.
        • the "mogi doughnut hypothesis" is a theory that states that a circular pattern of foreshocks will occur around the epicentre of the larger earthquake - limited backing up evidence
      • japan uses early warning systems to give seconds to minutes of advance warning to settlements - the sensor pick up the p waves and alert the population before the more damaging 2 waves hit
    • protecting
      • the level of protection in acted by a country heavily depends of economic status
      • ways to protect people (mostly through infrastructure)
        • fire resistant building materials
        • computer controlled weight on the top to counter balance swaying
        • automatic shutter to avoid showering people with glass
        • criss cross panneling to avoid pancaking
        • shock absorbers in foundations
        • foundations sunk into bedrock and not clay
    • preparing
      • the aim of preparedness is to get society to s satisfactory level of readiness to respond to the hext hazard event so that the effects pf the hazard can be minimised
      • examples of preparedness are:
        • emergency kits e.g. first aid
        • education/ drills
        • preventative health care e.g. vaccines against the flu
        • stockpiling emergency reserves
      • every september 1st in japan since 1960 they have a disaster prevention day


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