Duchess of Malfi Quotes

  • Created by: Maria5
  • Created on: 10-05-17 08:42
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  • Duchess of Malfi
    • Love
      • [She kisses him]
      • I look young for your sake
      • We are forced to woo as none dare woo us
      • My rule is only at night
    • Death
      • Rather welcome the end of misery than to shun it
      • Save them from the tiger
      • Mercy
      • Let the sun shine on him till he's dead
      • I know death hath ten thousand several doors, for men to take their exits
    • Corruption
      • To purge infected blood such as her
      • Lusty widow
      • And on a sudden all the diamonds turned to pearls
      • A scandalous report is touching mine honor
      • I am Duchess of Malfi still
    • Lie and Deceit
      • I will not marry
      • Our value can never truly be known
    • Madness
      • I am grown mad with't
      • I will throttle it
      • They imagine themselves to be transformed into wolves
      • Ambition madam, is a great mans madness
    • Critics
      • A Jankowski - 'The Duchess is a sovereign ruler, a fact her brothers never forget'
      • A Jankwoski - 'accepts responsibility for both her life and death'
      • Irving Ribner - '[Bosola is] the most important unifying element in 'The Duchess of Malfi''
      • Muriel Bradbrook - 'The Cardinal knows already that he is in hell'
      • Lee Bliss - 'The Cardinals cool unemotional detachment is more terrifying than Ferdinand's impassioned raving'
      • Travis Bogard - 'The ultimate tragedy of Webster's world is not the death of any individual but the presence of evil and decay which drags all mankind to death'


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