DiLalla Agression/ Peer Relations

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    • Aims
      • Investigate relationships between day care experience temperament and social behaviour
    • Procedure
      • Lab playroom, 62 pairs of same sex 5 years olds played for 20mins
      • Rated for pro-social behaviour (Talking politely, smiling, helping)
      • Rated for aggression (throwing, hitting, teasing)
      • Parents completed questionnaires on day care experience, temperament and behaviour problems
    • Findings
      • Little or no day care= more likely to behave pro scoailly
      • Those with difficult temperament showed less pro social behaviour
      • Boys more aggressive and more pro social than girls
    • Conclusion
      • Day care may have negative effect on development of pro social behaviour
      • But it does not affect aggressive behaviour, other factors need to taken into account (gender, temperament)


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