Evaluation of Digital Marketing Methods

  • Created by: Sess
  • Created on: 12-05-15 17:25
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  • Digital Marketing Evaluation
    • Consumption Metrics
      • 1) Page Views (Blog/Site)
        • Help identify what content is being consumed
      • 2) Unique Views (Blog/site)
        • Overall size of audience and how much traffic is repeat visits
      • 3) Average time on page (Blog/site)
      • 4) Email opens (Email)
        • How many, at what time so you can plan what subject lines/when to send
    • Retention Metrics
      • 1) Return Rate (Blog/site)
        • Whos revisiting the site
      • 2) Bounce Rate (Blog/site)
        • Calculated via exit/entry time. If both are same, theres a chance its a bounce
      • 3) Pages per visit (Blog/ site)
        • Quantifies who clicks around
      • 4) Follower count (Social Media)
        • No. of people who want more of your content
    • Sharing Metrics
      • 1) No. of Shares
        • What shares well
      • 2) No. of likes
        • What is liked?
      • 3) Email forwards
    • Engagement Metrics
      • 1) Comments
        • To gauge engagement level
      • 2) Session Duration
      • 3) Page Depth
        • How many pages viewed per session?
    • Lead metrics
      • 1) New Leads generated on our database
      • 2) Existing leads touched from database
      • 3) Funnel Conversion Rate
    • The Marketing Funnel
      • 1) Discover
        • Displays are targeted towards direct response goals
      • 2) Learn
        • Pay-per-click
        • Database builder leads
      • 3) Purchase
        • Marketing ready leads,buyers fill surveys with full contact info
        • Sales ready leads (connecting to decision makers)
    • E-Service Quality
      • The extent to which a website facilitates effective shopping
      • Customers evaluate based on...
        • Info availability + content
        • Privacy/ Security
        • Graphic Style
        • Fufilment
        • Ease of Use
    • 1) Start by looking at measurement metrics
      • 2) Review social media campaigns
        • 3) Map your campaign
          • 4) Choose criteria + tools of measurement e.g. google analytiks
            • 5) Establish a benchmark
              • 6) Undertake a campaign, analyse the outcomes, propose possible changes
                • 7) Continue to measure frequently




Digital marketing is the promotion of products and services on an online platform. many benefits of online marketing are creating the best strategies for businessmen like Rankpointer is a digital marketing company in Delhi, this company creates many opportunities for jobs for all experienced people rankpointer's delhi services increase and develop small and medium-scale businesses and help them brand awareness and improve your policies. this company provides a wide range of digital marketing like search engine optimization, email marketing, and many more.



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Jack Dannie


Blogging is a powerful form of digital marketing that creates content to promote products. For example, ActionCameraZone.com has a blog with articles about different types of action cameras, giving readers information about products and their features. This blog helps to promote particular products and after blog articles are published, the website owner can often see organic traffic growth in Google Search Console. In addition, blogging can offer many other benefits to a marketing strategy.
Blogging helps to establish authority, credibility, and trust with potential customers. By regularly posting content outlining information about products and services, customers will start to view the website as an authority on the subject. This can drive more customers to the website.
Having a blog can also help to increase the visibility of the website in search engine rankings. By producing content that contains relevant keywords used by potential customers, blogging can increase search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, which may then boost website rankings.
Finally, blogging helps website owners generate leads. By providing more in-depth information in blog articles, and showcasing products and services, it can help people take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. This is just one example of how blogging can be used in a marketing strategy to bring in potential customers.

Jack Dannie


Welcome to our theposudka.com.ua shop blog! We’re excited to share tips, recipes, and product highlights to enhance your culinary journey. Our high-quality kitchenware not only simplifies cooking but also adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen. We’ll be exploring various topics, from the benefits of non-stick pans to the versatility of multi-cookers. Each article is meticulously crafted for SEO, ensuring our content reaches cooking enthusiasts like you. Stay tuned for weekly updates and don’t forget to share your favorite articles. Together, let’s make cooking an enjoyable experience with the right kitchenware. Happy cooking!

zarkk khan


Compared to traditional marketing methods, social media marketing is highly cost-effective. Most social media platforms offer free accounts, and even paid advertising options are relatively affordable, allowing you to reach a targeted audience without breaking the bank. Search Engine Optimization

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