Development of the atom and periodic table

  • Created by: Abc312
  • Created on: 08-05-18 18:26
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  • Developments in science
    • Development of the Periodic Table
      • Before protons, neutrons and electrons scientist classified elements by arranging them in order of atomic weights.
        • In early periodic tables some elements were placed in the wrong group if atomic weight order was strictly followed.
          • Dmitri Mendeleev overcame some problems by leaving gaps for elements that he thought hadn't been discovered.
            • He mainly followed atomic mass but switched the place if the properties meant it should be changed
            • Elements with properties that had been predicted by Mendeleev were eventually discovered
              • When the elements were discovered and they fitted the pattern this backed up Mendeleev's ideas.
              • As isotopes were discovered this explained why elements couldn't always be ordered  by atomic weight.
    • Development of the atom
      • Before the discovery of the electron, atoms were thought to be tiny spheres that couldn't be divided
        • The discovery of the electron led to the plum pudding model.
          • This suggested the atom was a ball of positive charge with negative electrons spread throughout.
          • Ernest Rutherford proved this was wrong when he carried out the alpha scattering experiment.
            • This involved firing positively charged alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold.
            • They were expecting the particles to pass straight through or only be slightly deflected.
              • Most particles did pass straight through but some were deflected more than expected and some deflected backwards
            • The experiment proved that the mass of the atom was concentrated at the centre so the nucleus was 'created'.
            • The nuclear model replaced the plum pudding model
              • Bohr adapted the nuclear model by suggesting that electrons orbit the nucleus at specific distances.
                • The electrons had to be in shells because if they were in clouds like first suggested the atom would collapse.
                • This theory was backed up by lots of experimental observations.
                • Further experiments led to the idea that the positive charge of the nucleus could be subdivided into smaller particles.
                  • Each of these particles had the same amount of charge and they were called protons.
                  • James Chadwick proved evidence that there were neutral particles in the nucleus.
                    • They were called neutrons.


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