Dement and Kleitman

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  • Dement and Kleitman
    • Aim
      • Will people be more likely to report dreams if they are woken in NREM or REM?
        • REM
          • Conclusion
            • Yes
              • Is the direction of eye movement during REM related to dream content?
            • Yes
              • Can people accurately estimate the duration they were dreaming?
      • Can people accurately estimate the duration they were dreaming?
      • Is the direction of eye movement during REM related to dream content?
    • Participants
      • 7 adult males and 2 adult females
    • Findings
      • Woken during Rem
        • No recall
          • 39
        • Recall
          • 152
      • Woken during NREM
        • No recall
          • 149
        • Recall
          • 11
      • 5 minutes after REM
        • Correct
          • 45
        • Incorrect
          • 6
      • 15 minutes after REM
        • Correct
          • 47
        • Incorrect
          • 13
      • Vertical
        • 3
      • Horizontal
        • 1
      • Both
        • 10
      • No eye movement
        • 21
    • Methods
      • Lab experiment
      • Reported to lab before normal bed time
      • Electrodes were attached near their eyes to measure eye movement
      • Electrodes on the scalp measure brain activity
      • Electrodes were attatched to an EEG
      • At various times they were woken up to test if they knew how long they had been dreaming and what they dreamt


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