Death of Isabella 1504

  • Created by: _bella_
  • Created on: 14-01-19 10:23
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  • Death of Isabella 1504
    • Treaty of Villafafila
      • Ferdinand gave up claim to Aragon to Joanna and Phillip of Austria (her husband)
    • Isabella's will left Joanna Castile unless she was unfit to rule, thus Ferdinand would be Regent
    • Phillip of Austria and Joanna unfit to rule
      • Thus, Cineros acted as Regent until Ferdinand took this position
      • Cineros acted as advisor to Ferdinand to govern Castile
    • Ferdinand re-established control over Castilian nobility
    • Cineros dealt with ordinary admin. in Castile
    • Royal authority stregnthened in NW
    • Territorial Gains in Europe


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