CW; Developing Tensions 1945-1949

  • Created by: 15RobsonL
  • Created on: 30-12-19 12:38
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  • Developing tensions 1945-1949 (+NSC 68)
    • Yalta; Feb'45: Zonia, Spheres, UN, USSR against ***
      • Potsdam; Jul/Aug'45: di/ar/milt/naz/cent, SEU, freedom of speech, of Ger, SU reparations from Ger/// NOT zonia--> unonia, reduce RA
    • Truman Doctrine; Mar;47: in resp to UK pulling out of Greek CW, CONTAINMENT, exagg threat of Stalin (rumor SU helping Greek comms, false, was Tito) ROTTEN APPLES, inc stock of a-bombs 13->50
      • Marshall Plan(ERP)'47-'52: $13.5bill to 16EU countries, humanitarian/USecon benefits/ CONTAINMENT(Fr Comm party had 1.7mill members by'47/// effects: accel E&W divide, creation of a WGer state(realised Ger econ recov= EU econ recov
    • Iron Curtain Speech; Mar'46: aims- to bind UK&US together(UK fin dep on US), to warn against expansionistic tendencies of SU CONTAINMENT(win the public). Outcomes- layed groundwork for TD, convinced Stalin UK&US in plot together to carry out anti-SU ideological assult
      • Truman Doctrine; Mar;47: in resp to UK pulling out of Greek CW, CONTAINMENT, exagg threat of Stalin (rumor SU helping Greek comms, false, was Tito) ROTTEN APPLES, inc stock of a-bombs 13->50
        • Marshall Plan(ERP)'47-'52: $13.5bill to 16EU countries, humanitarian/USecon benefits/ CONTAINMENT(Fr Comm party had 1.7mill members by'47/// effects: accel E&W divide, creation of a WGer state(realised Ger econ recov= EU econ recov
    • NSC 68; Ap'50: like K-LT, SU wants to spread Comm globally. SU-US relats?- would deteriorate further, more tension & strenuous relats. Show about current CW climate& blame?- SU will grow stronger & bec dominant(if US don't care/try now, will make gradual receedings & will realise have given whole world to SU CONTAINMENT). Recommendations?- US to be leaders of 'freeworld', world's policemen, bonding W against SU
    • Nat Sec Act'47: new defence dep @ Pentagon. achieved?- est CIA, created NSC(which rep directly to Pres, V powerful, lots of influence
    • K-L Tele; Feb'46: SU ideology-fear W invasion& contact, want total destruction of W. SU FP aims- participate in int. orgs if can gain, will try to weaken W SoI in Colonies& strengthen their own I on them& build relats w/ them. Dangers faced by W- many internal dangers due to nature of Capitalism, SU will do anything to stir things up for W destruction. How US should resp- notify& warn US public, be constant& present threat refuse to give leeway--> as SU easily w/draw when strong opposition is encountered (Iran'46, Su quiet w/drawal when UK&US against it, Turkey'46, firm rejections)
      • Novikov Tele; Sept'46: SU's retaliation to K-L tele. US FP reflects their "imperialistic tendencies of US monopolistic capitalism" & "striving for world supremacy";; US's inc milt spending & est of bases beyond their borders
  • Political
    • Leaders
      • Economic
    • Public political


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