Culture and Propaganda in Nazi Germany

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  • Culture and Propaganda in Nazi Germany
    • Background
      • A department of public propaganda and enlightenment had the job of controlling peoples' opinions and beliefs, it was led by Joseph Goebbels
      • The Nazis used a variety of different methods to spread their words.
    • Newspapers
      • Goebbels made sure the newspapers put across Nazi views, non-Nazi newspapers were taken over until 2/3 of the press were under Nazi control.
      • Newspaper editors were told each day what they could and could not print.
      • Some Nazi newspapers threatened people who cancelled their sbscriptions.
    • Radio
      • All radio stations were brought under Nazi control, broadcasting Nazi ideas.
      • Mass produced radios, the 'Peoples' Receivers' were were sold so cheaply that 7/10 homes had one by 1939, from 1938 loudspeakers were also introduced and business had to broadcast important news
    • Films
      • The cinema was popular so Goebbels encouraged new films, mostly propaganda films which were anti-semitic
      • At the beginning of each film, people had to watch a news reel of the Nazi message
      • Goebbels believed that propaganda would work best, if people were entertained, so he wanted well made films.
    • Rallies and Campaigns
      • Every year a mass rally at Nuremburg brought together thousands of people - these were to increase peoples' loyalty to the party
      • People were made to celebrate new festivals, such as Hitler's Birthday
    • Culture
      • Goebbels set up the Reich Chamber of Culture, musicians, writers and actors had to be a member and those 'unsuitable' would be banned
        • Music: Should be German, folk songs and clasical music such as Bach were preferred, Jazz or 'black' music was banned as they were racially inferior
        • Theatre: Should be about German politics and history
        • Literature: Students in Berlin burnt 20,000 books written by Jews and Communists in a massive bonfire in 1933, Goebbels wanted books about race and war.
        • Sport: The 1936 Berlin Olympics were used as an opportunity to demonstrate the superiority of the Aryan Race to the world, however Hitler was furiated to find that Jesse Owens a black athlete won most events.
    • Architecture and Art
      • Hitler believed architecture was the finest of the arts and could influence peoples' lives.Hitler had tried to make a living out of being an artist.
      • Hitler disliked modern art and sculptures, he preferred art which depicted great German people and he despised Weimar art, which he saw as Jewish.


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