Cultural differences in attachment

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  • Cultural differences in attachment
    • Kyoung
      • Compared attachment styles in Korean and American babies. Found that  all but one child studied was either secure or resistant
        • Cultural norms in Korea are different to i the US meaning that infants often spend a lot of tie with their mother who doesn’t work, meaning their attachment style is more resistant than American infants
    • Evaluations of cultural differences
      • Strengths
        • Large sample sizes mean that research can be generalised easily.
      • Weaknesses
        • Imposed etic
        • Failure to find meaning in attachments
        • Biased method
    • Simonella
      • Studied attachment styles in Italy. Found that secure attachment was just 50% of the 76 children studied and that 36% were insecure-avoidant, as their mothers worked long hours and they spent time in childcare facilities.
    • Van Izjendoorn and Kroonenberg
      • Conducted a meta-analysis of 32 studies across 8 countries whcih the strange situation had been conducted
      • Found different attachment styles were more prevalent in different cultures e.g type C in eastern countries.
      • This suggests that different countries raise their children differently and that there is therefore a learned element of attachment.


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