Cross-cultural differences in Childhood

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  • Cross-cultural differences in Childhood
    • Samantha Punch (2001) study of childhood in rural areas of Bolivia
      • Once children are about 5 years of age they are expected to take work responsibilities in the home and community.
    • Lowell Holmes (1974) study of a Samoan villiage
      • "Too young," was never given as a reason for not permitting a child to undertake a particular task.
      • "Whether it be the handling of dangerous tools or the carrying of extremely heavy loads, if a child thinks he can handle the activity, parents do not object."
    • Raymond Firth (1970): found that among the Tikopia of the western pacific, doing as you are told by a grown up is regarded as a concession to be granted by the child, not a right expected by the adult.
    • Among the Trobriand Islanders of the south-west pacific, Bronislaw Malinowski (1957): found that adults took an attitude of ,"tolerance and amused interest," towards children's sexual explorations and activities.
    • Benedict argues that in many non-industrial cultures, there is must less of a dividing line between the behaviour of expected of adults.


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