
  • Created by: bthnyrose
  • Created on: 12-04-16 13:16
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  • Some African-American patients find it difficult to speak with white therapists, some Asians feel uncomfortable talking about their emotions, and there are other culture-specific barriers to communication.
    • Cross-Cultural Differences in Treatment
      • Underlying concepts can cause issue - Western = feeling autonomous/accomplished. Self-confidence and control elements around them.  Eastern = Like being part of a whole. Don't seek individual accomplishment - contribute to people and environment
          • Treatment is hard as aetiology is different in different cultures
      • Non-Western cultures stay away from more 'pharmaceutical treatments' could be good or bad. Good = explore other pathways and treatments. Bad = could be missing out
    • Underlying concepts can cause issue - Western = feeling autonomous/accomplished. Self-confidence and control elements around them.  Eastern = Like being part of a whole. Don't seek individual accomplishment - contribute to people and environment
        • Treatment is hard as aetiology is different in different cultures
  • ICD-10 recognises culturally specific disorders - Advantage over DSM-5
  • All groups rated CBT higher than PT. Mexican-Americans rated therapy more positively than Whites regardless of modality. 
    • Example: Treatment of Depression and cultural factors
      • There was a positive relationship between ethnicity and treatment choice


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