controversies - scientific status costs

  • Created by: Abi Crew
  • Created on: 20-05-22 11:53
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  • scientific status - costs of being a science
    • objectivity
      • it is not always possible to collect psychological information without bias, prejudice, and expectations from researchers
      • the discipline also uses non-specific methods such as case studies and interviews
      • Bowlby used case studies and interviews to determine that juvenile thieves committed crime due to separation from the mother in the first year of life
        • such conclusions could be subjective due to Bowlby wanting to prove his own hypothesis, as well as the children and mothers displaying socially desirable behaviour during interviews
      • psychology cannot rely on the scientific method, because qualitative information about participants makes for better therapies tailors for individual needs
    • paradigm
      • psychology cannot be classed as a science because it does not have one set paradigm
      • there are many different approaches such as biological, positive and cognitive that all have different paradigms
        • biological psychologists differ in their opinions of whether mental illness is caused by genetics evolution, brain structure or brain biochemistry
        • psychodynamic psychologists differ in their opinions as to where aggression stems from - the id or childhood trauma
      • psychology cannot have one set paradigm because if it did, it would not be possible to create holistic theories and therapies
    • replicability
      • due to methodologies and participants used in psychology, it is not always possible to replicate research
      • Watson and Raynor classically conditioned an 11 month old to form phobias.
        • because only one baby was used, it would be nearly impossible to fully replicate this research because no baby is the same.


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