Ventilation control in humans

  • Created by: MCahoon
  • Created on: 06-09-18 12:32
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  • Control of ventilation in humans
    • Stimulated by impulses in the fore-brain or carbon dioxide conc. in blood. All is controled by the breathing centre of the hindbrain
      • At low pressures, oxygen loading tension is low
        • Take deeper breaths in to force more CO2 out of the body and lower blood CO2 conc.
          • fatigue is caused as the breathing centre is no longer stimulated
        • After time humans cvan adapt to these conditiions-> excrete more alkali urine
    • Emphesema- damages lung tissue
      • Elastin (connective tissue) becomes permanently stretched so the air cannot force out all the air. Little to no gas exchange can occur at these damaged sites.
      • Smoke may inhibit the PI so the elastase breaks down the elastin
      • The smoke in lungs attract phagocytes that produces elastase
    • Asthma
      • Treatment: Bronchio-dilators to open up the airways. Antihistamines to counteract inflammation.
      • Sensitation: The substance is engulfed by phygocyte which produces antibodies to the allergen that bind to a mast cell
        • Activation: Re-exposure, Same allergen binds to the antibodies on the mast cell causing release of chemicals
          • Histamines cause inflammation of the lungs. Others cause spasm of the smooth muscle lining the brochial passages
      • Triggers: Cold air, exercise, anxiety


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